NGI’s Hub & Flow is a podcast for busy natural gas professionals interested in a quick take on North American energy markets. Join Natural Gas Intelligence’s trusted reporters, editors and analysts as they discuss what is driving supply and demand fundamentals, prices and movements in the natural gas and LNG markets in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Could Recent Attacks on U.S. Utilities Rattle the Natural Gas Market?
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
In the past two weeks, seven power stations have been hit by attacks. The Department of Homeland Security is considering domestic terrorist attacks intended to disrupt U.S. energy infrastructure. NGI's Senior Energy Analyst Shaylon Stolk discusses what the attacks on utilities in Washington, Oregon, and North Carolina might mean for the energy market and the natural gas industry in the political context of U.S. cooperation with Europe to address their natural gas shortages.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
The United States has already taken a $29 billion hit from extreme weather events this year. With unusual weather becoming the new normal, building energy infrastructure that can survive the onslaught has become a major priority. NGI's Senior Energy Analyst, Shaylon Stolk, discusses how utilities are trying to balance the urgent need for new energy infrastructure to meet increasing demands and the long-term necessity of heavily weatherized natural gas and power grids that can adapt to the changing climate.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
The world can't get U.S. LNG fast enough, but several major potential onshore U.S. liquefaction projects are saying not so fast, and are pushing out their potential FID dates. We believe there are a number of factors behind this, including the potential rise of Fast LNG.

Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
The Haynesville and Marcellus are like the Tale of Two Cities in terms of building natural gas takeaway capacity, and new pipeline projects are being planned to accommodate rapid growth from the Haynesville. Most of that new capacity will serve LNG exports, and most of it will route through Gillis, Louisiana. But just how liquid a trading hub might Gillis become?

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
What Do the UK and EU’s Natural Gas Supply Hunts Say About Post-Brexit Energy Markets?
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
As winter approaches, countries throughout Europe are struggling to fill the gap in energy supply left by Russian gas. NGI Associate Editor Jacob Dick and Sr. Energy Analyst Shaylon Stolk discuss how the post-Brexit European Union is building international alliances to meet its energy needs, and how existing political tensions within the UK might be exacerbated by the energy shortage.

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Waha gas typically trades at a large basis discount to the Henry Hub, and at times, prices in the Permian have been negative. Most of the industry focus is on increasing takeaway capacity to the Gulf Coast region, but what about west toward California and south to Mexico? We discuss several developments that could help increase the flow of Permian gas in those directions.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
The pace of U.S. natural gas production has increased in recent months, but will the momentum continue into 2023, especially considering the potential for a U.S. recession? Longer-term, drilling inventory is the lifeblood of producers, and a growing area of concern among investors. How those shape up in the years ahead will have a major impact on future gas prices.

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Freeport LNG Update
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
NGI LNG editors Jamison Cocklin and Jacob Dick walk listeners through the latest on the Freeport LNG outage. They discuss when the terminal on the Upper Texas Coast is likely to restart operations after a June explosion knocked the LNG export facility offline, the findings of a root cause failure analysis and implications for other U.S. terminals, among other things.

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Can Natural Gas Carry the Post-Coal Electricity Market?
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
The US coal fleet has been rapidly retiring in the past decade in favor of natural gas and shows no signs of making a comeback. NGI's Senior Energy Analyst Shaylon Stolk discusses what Europe's 2022 energy crisis can teach us about the post-coal power market and what this could mean for the future of natural gas.

Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
NGI Latin America editor Christoper Lenton sits down with Mexico energy expert Rosanety Barrios to talk about Mexico's natural gas market in light of global turmoil after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They talk about how Mexico is now competing for natural gas with LNG export to Europe and Asia, the perils of energy security in the new world order, and how Mexico needs to adapt – from releasing pipeline capacity to opening more exploration rounds, from rewriting policy to progressing key infrastructure projects. With an unrivaled perspective on today’s political environment and its impact on Mexico’s energy security, they get to the bottom of the reality of Mexico's current natural gas market.